The Best Advice from Today's Seniors

The Best Advice from Today’s Seniors

Historically, the accumulated wisdom of elders within a tribe or village were the key to survival. The elders were the best source of tried and tested experience. They had been through many situations and were the trusted source of consultation for conventional wisdom and in times of crisis. Seeking advice, opinion or wisdom from others is what molds our personality, values, faith and provides guidance for living a full life. We’ve all looked for opinions from friends, family members and strangers in topics from relationships to careers to wagers. But, the shared advice from our grandparents is the most valuable.

Today’s seniors are living extraordinary lives and have gone through more experiences than today’s Generation X, Millennials or iGeneration. Their lives have encountered what psychologist Juan Pascual-Leon has termed “Ultimate Limit Situations” which include love, aging, friendships, failure, success, oppression, loss, and war. As a result of their era, the “Ultimate Limit Situations” they’ve encountered have matured into an unbridled amount of wisdom, knowledge, and senior truths.

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We sat down with our Members and had them share their best advice on a money, love, education, faith and general advice to live your life by. Their candid answers gave us unique insight into their incredible life experiences.

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